Pile battery, made of 54 glass cupped elements, set in a series on wood tray.
Two couples, cooper and zinc, for studying frog contractions.
Several dry batteries made up a few pieces of paper, silver, and gold on  one side, call dust spread on the other, soaked in honey and bird-lime.
Frog Contraction Experiments
Two comparable electrometers, one thin tagged and one wood cylindered
Small glass cupped battery, set in series with U shaped tubes for studying electrochemical phenomena.
Inflammable air Pewter pistol loaded with millet.
Column battery.
Pile battery, made of 54 glass cupped elements, set in a series on wood tray.

17 ½” x 23 ½”
Water Color, ink and graphite

Two couples, cooper and zinc, for studying frog contractions.

17 ½” x 23 ½”
Water Color, ink and graphite

Several dry batteries made up a few pieces of paper, silver, and gold on one side, call dust spread on the other, soaked in honey and bird-lime.

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

Frog Contraction Experiments

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

Two comparable electrometers, one thin tagged and one wood cylindered

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

Small glass cupped battery, set in series with U shaped tubes for studying electrochemical phenomena.

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

Inflammable air Pewter pistol loaded with millet.

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

Column battery.

8 ½” x 11 “
Water Color, ink and graphite

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